Monday, December 26, 2005

P.S.: al post precedente...

... per non restare criptici...

Microneurography (Hagbarth, Vallbo): Microneurography is a method to record the traffic of impulses in human nerves with percutaneously inserted needle electrodes. The method was developed by Hagbarth and Vallbo in the late 60s in the department. They were able to record single units from individual axons in human nerves with electrodes manufactured from tungsten wires. They did the pioneer work of developing the method recording from muscle afferents such as muscle spindles. This project continued to develop over the years and recruited new collaborators from different parts of the world. The microneurographic method has been used widely internationally and has given insight into a number of questions regarding muscle spindle function in normal and in patients with spasticity or rigidity.
The method has also been used to explore a number of neural systems in healthy human volunteers, e.g. proprioceptive, tactile, nociceptive and autonomic mechanisms.


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